Sunday, March 2, 2014

It's Go Time!

We are packed and ready to go!  By the time you read this, my sister will have edited and posted and we'll be waiting at the airport for our plane to leave.  Tyler arrived safely in Sochi on Friday morning, unfortunately, his luggage did not.  No worries, his luggage is coming from Germany on Tuesday and he has been supplied with everything he needs.  Just missing his brand spankin new suit!  Minor details, I'm sure it won't upset his game plan!

Tyler stayed the first night in the hotel we will be staying in and assured us it is very nice.  I hope he realizes I like nothing but 5 star!!!  He did send me pictures and it does look nice, but I'll let you know when we get there.  The Canadian team was the first to arrive in Sochi, and Saturday they moved over to the athlete's village.  Tyler says it's all very cool, and when they arrived all their Paralympic wear was waiting for them with P & G supplying all their toiletries.  Sounds awesome!  The Paralympic committee is posting pictures online, and everything does look awesome!  It also looks like it is warm enough for t-shirts there.  Yay!

Dean and I do not pack lightly, I think we have everything but the kitchen sink!  One never knows what one will need in a strange country.  We've got everything from peanut butter to bandaids!  I'm not kidding!  I know, it's crazy!  Note to Meagan, I don't think you need to pack the fur coats, just throw in your bikini instead!!!

I have been avoiding the news lately, all this violence happening in the Ukraine makes me nervous.  And now the government is beefing things up at the Russian border, yikes!  I'm sure we will be fine in Sochi, I just hope the security is as tight as it was for the Olympics.  I'm keeping my political views to myself (heeding my very smart editors advice)-hopping on a plane and going to the Paralympics to watch my son live his doesn't get much better than that!!!

Go Canada!

Might be off the grid for a few days, but we'll be in Sochi on the 5th.  Can't wait, we are so excited!  Thanks everyone for all your support, it is really wonderful to see all the windows decorated and hearing the buzz around town.  Tyler is feeling the love from everyone and everywhere!  Here are some special supporters that helped in a huge way to get him to where he is today!

Woohoo!  Go Tyler!  Go Canada!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you all have a safe and wonderful trip. Take lots and lots of pictures and we'll be cheering here from the snowbanks. Go Tyler!!!
