Saturday, March 22, 2014

And the party continues...

We are so happy to be home safe and sound.  Meg arrived home Sunday, Dean, Bev, Nat and I Monday night and Tyler Tuesday night.  It's been a long week trying to get over this jet lag, but I think Dean and I have finally swung around.  Tyler had a nice surprise waiting for him at the airport.  Grampa Cy, the Gallagher's, Uncle Cy, Nat and her mom and dad were all there to greet him and the team as they landed in Toronto.  It was mostly family there, but always nice for the athletes to have someone there to welcome them back.  Yay Canada!
Tyler and Grampa Cy at the Airport

Fans at the Airport!

 Tyler has bounced back pretty good after such an emotional high, actually, I think he still might be up there on cloud nine.  He arrived home to Forest on Thursday and after dumping a mountain of clothes, souvenirs and stuff all over the house, he promptly headed for the high school to show of his medal.  Last night we got together with some friends for dinner and Ty was able to join us and show off that medal again.  Thanks to all that came out and to Jen at Skeeter Barlow's for accommodating us at such short notice.

Today Tyler is appearing at the Forest Skating Club 2014 Ice Show as a special guest, how fitting as the theme this year is "An Olympic Celebration".  Then tonight, we are off to meet some very good friends for dinner before the London Knights game.  Tyler will be dropping the puck tonight as the Knights take on the Windsor Spitfires in their second game of the series.  We are Knights fans but it's hard when you have some of Ty's other friends playing for the Spitfires.  Tonight we'll be sitting with the Rup's, so Go Knights... but also Go Bilcke!

We are planning a Bronze Medal Celebration next Sunday, March 30th at the Forest Legion Hall from 12:00 to 4:00 pm.  Please come out and help us celebrate with Tyler.  There will be pictures, autographs and cake...Yay!!!  And if you can't make that, then the CIBC is hosting a welcome home for Tyler and all athletes on Friday, April 4th.

For the record, Gramma Bev was not mentioned in the article in the Forest Standard this past week.  But she was there in Sochi with us the entire time, and what a trooper she was.  She kept up like a paralympian as we put her through the ringer almost everyday!  Way to go Beverly!

Gramma Bev and Tyler in Sochi

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