Sunday, March 30, 2014

And that's a wrap!

Our four year journey has ended.  We have come full circle, and what a ride it's been!  Four years ago it was a very different time for us with an uncertain future.  Cancer robbed our 16 year old of what should have been the best year of his life.  Tyler should have been out having fun with his friends, but instead spent a good part of the year in the hospital dealing with amputation and chemotherapy.  No child should ever have to go through that!  Cancer may have stolen his childhood dreams of playing hockey, but it failed to take his courage and his determination.  He never gave up, he found a way to get back his dream!  Cancer may have taken his leg, but it can never take his bronze medal!!!
It takes an entire community to raise a child, and luckily we happened to live in the best community in the world!  Without the love and support from so many good people we wouldn't have made it here today.  There are so many good people to thank!  From the small town of Forest and the community of Lambton Shores to Lambton County, to a very large hockey community to family and friends from the east coast to the west.  We were feeling the love!  Thank You!
Today was a day for celebration.  Thank you all that came out to help us celebrate with the bronze medalist. It was also a day to show our appreciation for all the support Tyler has received before, during and since his return home from the Paralympic Games.  Tyler has been a very busy guy the last couple weeks since he has returned home and his schedule won't be slowing down any time soon.  If you haven't had a chance to see him and his bronze medal yet, don't worry, I'm sure you will.  He will be speaking in a few area schools in the next week, has a few more hockey appearances and the CIBC Forest branch will be hosting their welcome home for Tyler this Thursday from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.... and the phone keeps ringing.  It's a little bit weird living with someone that's suddenly a celebrity, but I think I can bring him back down to earth pretty quick with some household chores ;)
Thank you everyone that has followed along our journey; I hope you have enjoyed our adventure as much as we have!  Nobody knows what the future will hold, but if in four years Tyler is playing for Canada's Sledge Hockey Team, then we'll be going to Korea to watch the next Paralympic Games!  I can't wait!

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