Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Happy 20th Birthday Tyler!


It's pretty cool to be able to celebrate your birthday in Sochi, Russia at the Paralympics!  We didn't actually get to see Tyler until after the game last night but it was great to see him if even for a short while.  I had ordered cake from the hotel but somewhere along the way we must have got our Russian wires mixed up.  I thought I had ordered a chocolate cake with cherries but it didn't look or taste anything like a Black Forest cake.  No worries, there was lots of cake and candles and Tyler was there.  

The preliminary rounds have ended with Canada going undefeated.  Last nights game was a bit of a nail biter for us Canadian fans ending with a score of 1-0 against Czech Republic.  That now puts Canada in the semi-final against USA on Thursday at 8 pm (noon at home).  It will be another nail biter for sure!

Meagan arrived safely on Monday.  She was a wee bit tired from the trip and a little frustrated when her luggage didn't arrive, but after a good nights sleep and having her luggage delivered to her room that night she is good to go.  And go we did!  We have ventured out into Adler a few times for shopping and supplies, which is close to the hotel but still a bit of a walk.  There are a lot of little shops and restaurants for dining, I think that's where we are headed tonight for dinner.  Yesterday we ladies took the train into Sochi to find a shopping mall and see some different sights.  It was an adventure that we will be talking about for awhile!   We almost lost g-ma, could have been abducted and vanished forever.  After getting soaked to the bone and walking for what seemed like forever, we did arrive back at our safe zone at the hotel.  I was telling one of our six mounted police about our adventure 
last night and for some reason he wasn't laughing!


  1. Good luck against the USA on Thursday!!

  2. Best of luck to Tyler and all the lads...I really appreciate your posts as we get so little coverage (of anything not just the Canadian team) here in the US.
