Sunday, March 9, 2014

Game on!

Hey all!  Two games down and one more to go!  I'd say they got the jitters out fairly well in the first game beating Sweden 10-1.  I won't give you the outcome of today's game because some of you may not have seen it yet, but I can say it was exciting!
A little cheering section all for Tyler!

We are having a blast here in Sochi with all the family and friends of the paralympians.  Everyone is so friendly and really stick together.  We Canadians are like superstars and when there is a group of us together I swear everyone wants our photograph.  It's so funny, if one person comes up and asks for a photograph with us then others follow suit and before you know it we've been doing a photo shoot for a half hour.  Now I know how famous people feel lol.  We have been so busy each day that we haven't had time to watch any wheel chair curling yet but we have tomorrow off so that is the plan.  A bunch are going to the mountains tomorrow but I think we will stay here and wait until Thursday to go up and hopefully take in the para-snowboarding.  Meagan flies in tomorrow so I am really excited for her to get here.  I hope she brings more Canada pins, we are almost out!
Shayba Arena

The Shayba Arena is really nice where the teams play sledge hockey.  Everything is finished and no worries we can pee alone!  The only weird thing about it are the mirrors on the ceiling in the water closets.  Not sure I want to see my neighbour in the stall next to me but whatever.

More friends & family of Hockey Canada
Last night Hockey Canada was host to the after party providing us with snacks and drinks and a chance to mingle with the team.  It was great to see all the guys with their families.  Fun times were had by all and I even learned that vodka shots are best chased with a dill pickle!  Who knew?
Friends & Family Reception after the game. The Dixon family looking very innocent here :)

I must go, almost time for the Petro-Canada family and friends reception.  I think I'll just stick to wine tonight more bodka for me :)

Go Tyler!  Go Canada!


  1. Not even extra vodka would get me to eat a dill pickle. Yuck!! Keep up the good work, Tyler!!

  2. Sorry I missed your birthday, Tyler. I had to make a quick run to London for a friend today and missed the game as well. Heard you won. Congratulations!!
