Sunday, March 30, 2014

And that's a wrap!

Our four year journey has ended.  We have come full circle, and what a ride it's been!  Four years ago it was a very different time for us with an uncertain future.  Cancer robbed our 16 year old of what should have been the best year of his life.  Tyler should have been out having fun with his friends, but instead spent a good part of the year in the hospital dealing with amputation and chemotherapy.  No child should ever have to go through that!  Cancer may have stolen his childhood dreams of playing hockey, but it failed to take his courage and his determination.  He never gave up, he found a way to get back his dream!  Cancer may have taken his leg, but it can never take his bronze medal!!!
It takes an entire community to raise a child, and luckily we happened to live in the best community in the world!  Without the love and support from so many good people we wouldn't have made it here today.  There are so many good people to thank!  From the small town of Forest and the community of Lambton Shores to Lambton County, to a very large hockey community to family and friends from the east coast to the west.  We were feeling the love!  Thank You!
Today was a day for celebration.  Thank you all that came out to help us celebrate with the bronze medalist. It was also a day to show our appreciation for all the support Tyler has received before, during and since his return home from the Paralympic Games.  Tyler has been a very busy guy the last couple weeks since he has returned home and his schedule won't be slowing down any time soon.  If you haven't had a chance to see him and his bronze medal yet, don't worry, I'm sure you will.  He will be speaking in a few area schools in the next week, has a few more hockey appearances and the CIBC Forest branch will be hosting their welcome home for Tyler this Thursday from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.... and the phone keeps ringing.  It's a little bit weird living with someone that's suddenly a celebrity, but I think I can bring him back down to earth pretty quick with some household chores ;)
Thank you everyone that has followed along our journey; I hope you have enjoyed our adventure as much as we have!  Nobody knows what the future will hold, but if in four years Tyler is playing for Canada's Sledge Hockey Team, then we'll be going to Korea to watch the next Paralympic Games!  I can't wait!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

And the party continues...

We are so happy to be home safe and sound.  Meg arrived home Sunday, Dean, Bev, Nat and I Monday night and Tyler Tuesday night.  It's been a long week trying to get over this jet lag, but I think Dean and I have finally swung around.  Tyler had a nice surprise waiting for him at the airport.  Grampa Cy, the Gallagher's, Uncle Cy, Nat and her mom and dad were all there to greet him and the team as they landed in Toronto.  It was mostly family there, but always nice for the athletes to have someone there to welcome them back.  Yay Canada!
Tyler and Grampa Cy at the Airport

Fans at the Airport!

 Tyler has bounced back pretty good after such an emotional high, actually, I think he still might be up there on cloud nine.  He arrived home to Forest on Thursday and after dumping a mountain of clothes, souvenirs and stuff all over the house, he promptly headed for the high school to show of his medal.  Last night we got together with some friends for dinner and Ty was able to join us and show off that medal again.  Thanks to all that came out and to Jen at Skeeter Barlow's for accommodating us at such short notice.

Today Tyler is appearing at the Forest Skating Club 2014 Ice Show as a special guest, how fitting as the theme this year is "An Olympic Celebration".  Then tonight, we are off to meet some very good friends for dinner before the London Knights game.  Tyler will be dropping the puck tonight as the Knights take on the Windsor Spitfires in their second game of the series.  We are Knights fans but it's hard when you have some of Ty's other friends playing for the Spitfires.  Tonight we'll be sitting with the Rup's, so Go Knights... but also Go Bilcke!

We are planning a Bronze Medal Celebration next Sunday, March 30th at the Forest Legion Hall from 12:00 to 4:00 pm.  Please come out and help us celebrate with Tyler.  There will be pictures, autographs and cake...Yay!!!  And if you can't make that, then the CIBC is hosting a welcome home for Tyler and all athletes on Friday, April 4th.

For the record, Gramma Bev was not mentioned in the article in the Forest Standard this past week.  But she was there in Sochi with us the entire time, and what a trooper she was.  She kept up like a paralympian as we put her through the ringer almost everyday!  Way to go Beverly!

Gramma Bev and Tyler in Sochi

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Wasn't that a party?  Canada won the bronze medal game 3-0 against Norway!  We are so proud of them!  Watching them get their medals later that night after the Russia and USA games was a very emotional time and an amazing experience.  First off, we were a bit late for the gold medal game only making it for the 3rd period.  You know how hockey players like to celebrate after a win!
Congrats to team USA for winning the gold and to Russia for winning silver, it was an exciting game to watch and incredibly loud in there!  It was great to have our team back to Canada house for a celebration after their game and then later to see their medals.
The bronze medal is beautiful!  You will all have to see it later when we get home.  Plans are to have a bronze medal celebration in the near future!

The Russians did not disappoint tonight at the closing ceremonies, like the opening ceremonies, it was an incredible show!
Four years seems like a long time to the next Paralympics but I know how fast it will be here. The changes that our family has overcome in four short years to bring us to Sochi, Russia in 2014 are mind boggling.  I can't even begin to imagine what's in store for us next.

One thing I'm sure of, if Tyler is here and he is on this team in 2018, then we'll be right there with him.  Go Tyler!  Go Canada!

Spasiba Sochi for the best Paralympics ever!

Can't wait to get home to Canada and my Timmy's!

Friday, March 14, 2014

We are so proud of our sledge hockey team!  

Last nights game was a shock for everyone, but for the players it was so much more devastating.  They came for gold and were confident that's what they would be taking home.  Seeing the disappointment on their faces later that night was heart breaking.  There was nothing we could say, nothing we could do.  To really understand the emotion that plays into the athletes at the Paralympic Games you really have to be here to experience it.  I mean, I've cried for athletes as they've won and also as they've lost, I've cried during the national anthems, not just ours but other countries as well.  I know I'm a bit of a sap when it comes the the Olympics and Paralympics, but this is up close and personal when it's your own here playing their hearts out.
They did their best, that's all any of us ask.  Last night is history and tomorrow will be a new day.  It doesn't matter to me what colour medal they take home, I just want them to know that regardless we love them and are so very proud of them.  Canada will play Norway for the bronze medal tomorrow at 1 pm (that's 5 am at home) and I'm confident they will come out on top with a win.  No matter the outcome, they will be golden in all our hearts!
For the record, I'm cheering for Russia!  The Russian sledge team has come from nothing to a power house in just four or five years and it would give the sport a huge boost in this country to see them win. A boost not just for sledge hockey in this country but also for disabled persons, especially children.

 Besides that, they love us and in their eyes we are the best hockey players in the world.  It was so sweet last night after the game they were sincerely sorry for our guys.  They say Canada is the best in the world.  I secretly think they would be afraid to play our team as they have never beat them.  Can't say that about the US- haha!  Go Russia!  Tomorrow night, I'm taking my mitts and scarf to trade and any pins I have left.  I'm not sure that I will actually go to the gold medal game but the medal ceremony will directly follow the gold medal game and I won't want to miss that.  I really hope Canada and Russia win.  Do it for yourselves boys, and for mother Russia!!!

Gondola up the mountain
Sunshine at the peak
This country has gone over and above to welcome people from all over the world.  The language has been a challenge, but we've had a bit of fun with those challenges.  The cost that has gone into building this Olympic Park is just mind boggling.  It is absolutely beautiful and what an undertaking it has been.  Seven years to build everything from the ground up.  It's no wonder parts of it are not finished.  We took the train to the mountains today and I was blown away by them.  The railway system is impressive enough, but the new roads and resorts built and everything else that goes with a ski resort; you just can't imagine the sheer magnitude of work and manpower that has gone into this place.
Para snowboard competition

If last night wasn't emotional enough, we were present for the first ever para-snowboarding at the Paralympics today.  It was an amazing event to witness, but a bittersweet day as I was thinking of Mike Fisher and his family.  Wish he could have been here!  The Canadians placed really well and we cheered them on proudly, but geez I am such a cry baby, I just couldn't watch the flower ceremony.

It was a bit chilly for us up there in the mountains as we have become accustomed to the coastal temperatures.  It was chilly, as in just above zero,  not -20 as in Canada.  We are really going to have a hard time coming back home next week!  Nat and Bev went back early to the coast and Dean went farther up the mountain to watch the biathlon, but Meg and I found a nice little Bavarian restaurant to
have lunch at the mountain village of Rosa Khutor.  We did a little more sight seeing before we made the hour long train ride down the mountain.  It's kind of weird that we have eaten at a Japanese Sushi Bar, an Italian Pizzaria, a Bavarian Restaurant but haven't had much Russian cuisine yet.  I only have two days left and I have to try the sausage, sauerkraut and borscht soup yet!
Going for Bronze tomorrow!  Go Canada!!

For $5000 US you can have these beautiful little dolls to dust..there's 20,  No Thanks!

Japanese Sushi Bar at the Radison Blue Motel

The best Borscht soup and Beef Stroganoff I've ever had!

It's a Pizza feast fit for a King!

Adriano's Italian Pizzaria
Nat and Meg and a tall ship

Little Bavarian restaurant we found up in the mountain of Rosa Khutor

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Happy 20th Birthday Tyler!


It's pretty cool to be able to celebrate your birthday in Sochi, Russia at the Paralympics!  We didn't actually get to see Tyler until after the game last night but it was great to see him if even for a short while.  I had ordered cake from the hotel but somewhere along the way we must have got our Russian wires mixed up.  I thought I had ordered a chocolate cake with cherries but it didn't look or taste anything like a Black Forest cake.  No worries, there was lots of cake and candles and Tyler was there.  

The preliminary rounds have ended with Canada going undefeated.  Last nights game was a bit of a nail biter for us Canadian fans ending with a score of 1-0 against Czech Republic.  That now puts Canada in the semi-final against USA on Thursday at 8 pm (noon at home).  It will be another nail biter for sure!

Meagan arrived safely on Monday.  She was a wee bit tired from the trip and a little frustrated when her luggage didn't arrive, but after a good nights sleep and having her luggage delivered to her room that night she is good to go.  And go we did!  We have ventured out into Adler a few times for shopping and supplies, which is close to the hotel but still a bit of a walk.  There are a lot of little shops and restaurants for dining, I think that's where we are headed tonight for dinner.  Yesterday we ladies took the train into Sochi to find a shopping mall and see some different sights.  It was an adventure that we will be talking about for awhile!   We almost lost g-ma, could have been abducted and vanished forever.  After getting soaked to the bone and walking for what seemed like forever, we did arrive back at our safe zone at the hotel.  I was telling one of our six mounted police about our adventure 
last night and for some reason he wasn't laughing!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Game on!

Hey all!  Two games down and one more to go!  I'd say they got the jitters out fairly well in the first game beating Sweden 10-1.  I won't give you the outcome of today's game because some of you may not have seen it yet, but I can say it was exciting!
A little cheering section all for Tyler!

We are having a blast here in Sochi with all the family and friends of the paralympians.  Everyone is so friendly and really stick together.  We Canadians are like superstars and when there is a group of us together I swear everyone wants our photograph.  It's so funny, if one person comes up and asks for a photograph with us then others follow suit and before you know it we've been doing a photo shoot for a half hour.  Now I know how famous people feel lol.  We have been so busy each day that we haven't had time to watch any wheel chair curling yet but we have tomorrow off so that is the plan.  A bunch are going to the mountains tomorrow but I think we will stay here and wait until Thursday to go up and hopefully take in the para-snowboarding.  Meagan flies in tomorrow so I am really excited for her to get here.  I hope she brings more Canada pins, we are almost out!
Shayba Arena

The Shayba Arena is really nice where the teams play sledge hockey.  Everything is finished and no worries we can pee alone!  The only weird thing about it are the mirrors on the ceiling in the water closets.  Not sure I want to see my neighbour in the stall next to me but whatever.

More friends & family of Hockey Canada
Last night Hockey Canada was host to the after party providing us with snacks and drinks and a chance to mingle with the team.  It was great to see all the guys with their families.  Fun times were had by all and I even learned that vodka shots are best chased with a dill pickle!  Who knew?
Friends & Family Reception after the game. The Dixon family looking very innocent here :)

I must go, almost time for the Petro-Canada family and friends reception.  I think I'll just stick to wine tonight more bodka for me :)

Go Tyler!  Go Canada!

Let the games begin!

Somebody pinch me, cause surely this can't be real!  I can't believe we are really here living Tyler's dream.  Did I really just watch Tyler walk into Fisht Stadium as a Canadian Paralympian Athlete?  I am so proud of him, of Canada and of all the athlete's.
First off, I was totally blown away by the size of the stadium and the fact that it was filled.  WOW!  Secondly, the Russians out did themselves, it was an amazing show!  The colours, the sound, the ballet, the huge ship, the light show, the fireworks, the paralympic torch, it was all magnificent!  I guess you just had to be here!  I will post pics another time, I am toast tonight and I'm sure you can see it on tv anyway.  Night all!

We are winter! We are ready! Let the games begin!  Go Canada!